The project was born based on a vast experience of the association gained at the level of young graduates from Buzau on topics of interest to them in terms of training and the need for training that they are aware of. From this experience it resulted that many of the young graduates fail to find a job in the field they studied. Thus, the years spent in formal education often become insignificant or insufficient for the professional orientation of young people.
Aim: To train 180 young high school students in order to acquire skills, competencies and knowledge in the field of entrepreneurship and financial independence skills, as well as knowledge of the efficient use of modern self-support tools, main areas for integration successfully in society by valuing the individual potential.

General objective:
Developing the entrepreneurial culture in order to improve the skills, knowledge and managerial behavior for the future entrepreneurs.
Secondary objectives:

  • in the long run, the development of society and economic progress and, at the same time, the decrease of the unemployment percentage among young people
  • promoting entrepreneurial culture and education
  • stimulating the involvement of young people in society

Funder: Buzau County Directorate for Sports and Youth